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Awaken The Giant Within PDF

We all have many dreams. We all believe that we all have a special gift. With which we can do something different in life. You can make this world a different place. We all have a vision in life. Of a quality life, which we desire. But the dreams of many of us are not fulfilled due to frustration and daily routine. We move away from that winner mentality.

  Do you know that there is a sleeping giant of positive energy inside all of us. Who is sleeping somewhere deep in our inner world. Let us understand about this giant through a story.

  When God created man. Then along with this such a power was also created. Which if man can achieve. So he can do anything. For this, God called an emergency meeting with all the gods. was the subject of that meeting. Where to hide that power? Which only he could achieve. Who is ready to sacrifice whatever.

  All the gods gave their opinion. Some said, bury it under the ground. So someone said, put it in the sea. Somebody said, Hide it on the top of the highest hill. Somebody even said that hide it on some other planet. But God knew that this is not a fare decision for the people of the whole world.

 Then said the smartest deity. Why not hide it in everyone's mind? who will understand. Will be ready to Sacrifice. He will get it. Everyone liked this decision very much, God said that the meaning should be like this. It was just a story. It doesn't matter whether God is there or not.

But the power that is being talked about. He really is. Which is not anywhere else but within you. A power that only needs to be awakened. Then nothing will remain impossible. Talking is going on here. Tony Robbins’s book – Awaken The Giant Within. Which in Hindi means, awaken that huge power hidden inside you. Tony Robbins is currently the world’s largest motivational speaker and self-help trainer.

Read : Milkha Singh Motivational Biography. How did Milkha Singh emerge out of so much struggle?

Dreams of Destiny
Most of the people don’t know that they have so much power inside them. If he concentrates on one thing in his life. So he can easily achieve success in it. Author says that we should always dream big in our life. Must learn how to achieve them.

Raise your standards The first thing you need to know is what you want from yourself. You have written all those things in a diary. The ones you don’t want to see in your life. Write about all those things too. The ones you want to have in your life.

Change your limiting beliefs if you still think so. Whatever you want in your life. Can’t find him So you have to change your belief. To be successful, it is essential. You came out of the realm of your limited thinking. Get all your limiting thoughts out of your mind.

Change your strategy to achieve your goals and be successful in life. You also have to change your strategy. You have to make such a strategy. Who can take you to your goal. There are many such people. Those who know what to do But such people are very few. That’s what they do in life.

It has a simple meaning. Having information is not enough. To be successful, it is also important to act on the information. Let's talk. those parts of life. Which is very important to control in order to be successful.
  1. Emotional mastery We should control our emotions. Because the reason behind doing any of our work. We only have feelings. Whatever we do. That’s why he does it. so that we can feel better.
  2. Physical mastery Only then will you be able to control your life. When you are physically fit. To achieve success and get full enjoyment of your life. Your body should be healthy and fit.
  3. Relationship mastery is essential to achieve success. Have good relationships with your successful people. Because such relationships connect you to those resources. What you need to be successful.
  4. Financial mastery To achieve success, you also need money. So money should be abundant with you. Because from time to time you have to invest money. If you don’t have enough money. So find the reason for lack of money. Change your thoughts about money. Think of the idea of ​​abundance.
  5. Time mastery means control over time. Give time to your new ideas. work on them. Some people have new ideas to achieve success in their mind. But he doesn’t work on them. At the same time, some people do not have time to think new ideas. If you don’t think new ideas. So won’t work on them. Then you will never be successful in life.

Decisions Are The Way To Power
That is the time to make decisions. When we decide What kind of life will we lead? That’s why it is very important to take right decisions at the right time in life. Those people are stupid. who think so. Our fate has already been written. Whatever happens in our life. It is predetermined.

The decisions we make in reality. In those moments, we write our destiny. You ask yourself. What kind of life do you want to live for the next 10 years? The kind of life you want to live in your future. What will you have to do today for that? So that you can be successful in living the life you want.

   If you don't decide today. What kind of life do you want to live? So it is certain that you will do such things in your life. Which will be much smaller than your ability. You will make less money. Live the life of a common man. The three decisions of life that can decide your fate. He is like this.

First decide what things you want to focus on.

Make a second decision about what things and things are important in your life.

The third decision is to decide what work you will do to get the desired result in life.

The Force That Shapes your Mind
Whatever work we do in our life. They do it either to ease the pain of your current situation. Or do it to get more joy in your life. The fear of being lost for most people. Profit is greater than desire to be. Whatever work he does. He does it only to avoid his loss. Not to make profit.

The only two reasons behind any action we do are pain and pleasure. These two emotions control everything we do. To be successful, we have to control our pain and joy. Will have to learn to use it. If you don’t learn to control your life. So the circumstances of your life will always be controlling you.

Belief System – The Power to Create and The Power to Destroy
Events happening in our life or our environment. do not make our lives. Rather, how do we understand our environment and events. Our lives are shaped by those thoughts. Most of our thoughts and beliefs are based on our past. From the events and circumstances that happened in our past. Either we get hurt. Or enjoy.

only on the basis of those events and circumstances. We form our thoughts and beliefs about life. Most people do not make this decision themselves. What does he want to think? How do you want to build trust? People often form their thoughts by observing events and situations. believe in them. He accepts them as the truth of his life.

Successful people never consider problems as permanent. Whereas unsuccessful people give up on the smallest problem. At the same time, some people spend their whole life in problems only. Whatever beliefs we make in our lives. He controls all our decisions. At the same time, we also make our future.

Change Can Happen In An Instant
Tony Robbins, the author of this book, studied about 700 books on the development of man in a few years. understood them. He read about neuro-linguistic programming in some books. Who can bring about such changes in a matter of seconds. Those take many years to happen.

 It is true that change does not happen in an instant. We spend time observing and understanding those changes. When he understands us. Only then do we react. People understand that it takes a long time for change to happen. It takes a lot of hard work. You must have heard that to be successful, it takes a lot of hard work. That's why you make this belief.

 To be successful, it takes many years. Our society and our culture also teach us the same thing. But in reality, changes happen in our brain within seconds. We can change our thoughts and beliefs in an instant. By changing the way we work and work. The results we get also change.

 For a change in our mind or mind, it takes only a few seconds. But in the outside world, it does take some time to see its results. It may take a few days or months for you to see results. But not years, as most people think.

 For example, some people are always in trouble and tension. Because they have made a habit of living in tension with the events and circumstances of their past. From feeling constant discomfort and tension. The pattern of these feelings is formed in our brain. which repeats itself over and over again. Then we feel tension and trouble.

  In this way, our brain becomes a pattern of any emotion. By repeating that pattern again and again, that feeling becomes our habit. Be it stress or happiness. That's when you will start feeling happiness as opposed to stress. You will feel feelings of happiness many times a day. So your old stress pattern will be broken.

A new pattern of feeling of happiness will start forming. By constantly feeling happy, its pattern will settle in your mind. Then you will learn to be happy always. In this way, in an instant, you can bring about a change in your feelings and life.

How to Change Anything in Your Life
How can you change any part of your life or any circumstance?

Decide what you really want Decide what you want in your life. What are those circumstances? Who is stopping you from getting it.

Get leverage Thinking that changing right now will cause pain. By taking the decision to change at this time, one will experience bliss. Only then can we take the decision to change at this very moment. When we feel the need to change.

Interrupt the limiting pattern if we keep doing the same thing. What we have been doing so far. So will always get the same result. that we have found so far. To get better results. We have to change our work and the way we work. Before you can change the way you do things, you have to change your thinking.

Condition the new pattern until it’s consistent is the right way to inculcate anything new in your mind. Practicing it continuously. Keep doing it until it becomes automatic. When you practice something. Connect your feelings with that. So she becomes even more powerful.

Test it You have to keep this in mind as well. The changes you are going to make today. You will benefit from this in future. If today you decide to do some new work. So in the coming future, you should take advantage of that.

How to Get What You Really Want
Often people do not know what they want. That’s why he adopts different ways to change his mood. Whatever you want or want. You should ask yourself why you want these things. When you think why do you want all this for yourself. Then you will know that there are some desires and feelings behind your desire.

 what you want to feel. Because feeling those feelings. makes you feel good. The things we focus on. That becomes our reality. So we should focus only on those things. What we want in our life. Not the things we are afraid of.

For this you need to know this first. What do you really want? This is the best way to know. Make a list of all those things. Doing those that make you feel good. After that, from among those tasks, choose those tasks. By doing which, you can benefit in future.

Read: How to make your place in people’s heart. How to Win Friends and Influence People Book Summary.

Questions Are The Answer
This is what it means to think. Ask yourself questions and find answers. If we want to make our life even better. So we have to change those questions. Which we often ask ourselves. We have to ask ourselves new questions. They have to find new answers. Good questions change the direction of our attention. Our thoughts and feelings too.

 Whenever you find yourself in trouble. You ask yourself questions. What are the causes of those problems? How do you get out of them? When there is a problem in your life. So you can ask questions like this.

First- what is special about this problem.

Second- what is that, which is not perfect yet.

Third- What can I do to solve this problem.

Fourth- What work should I do? which is necessary to solve this problem.

    In the morning when you are ready. So ask yourself this question. First - what am I happy about in my life?

Second- What am I thrilled with in my life?

Third- What is it like in my life? Which I am proud of.

Fourth- What are such things in my life. Who are such people? For which I am grateful.

   In the evening when you are free after finishing all the work. So ask yourself this question.

First – What good work did I do today?

Second- What did I learn new today?

Third- What did I do today? Which will make my life better.

I hope you are explained in this book. By adopting the methods, you can bring big changes in your life. I will always bring such motivational articles for you. Until you become worthy of living a happy life. My endeavor is to fill happiness in all of you’s life and always keep away from stress.

We all have many dreams. We all believe that we all have a special gift. With which we can do something different in life. You can make this world a different place. We all have a vision in life. Of a quality life, which we desire. But the dreams of many of us are not fulfilled due to frustration and daily routine. We move away from that winner mentality.

  Do you know that there is a sleeping giant of positive energy inside all of us. Who is sleeping somewhere deep in our inner world. Let us understand about this giant through a story.

  When God created man. Then along with this such a power was also created. Which if man can achieve. So he can do anything. For this, God called an emergency meeting with all the gods. was the subject of that meeting. Where to hide that power? Which only he could achieve. Who is ready to sacrifice whatever.

  All the gods gave their opinion. Some said, bury it under the ground. So someone said, put it in the sea. Somebody said, Hide it on the top of the highest hill. Somebody even said that hide it on some other planet. But God knew that this is not a fare decision for the people of the whole world.

 Then said the smartest deity. Why not hide it in everyone's mind? who will understand. Will be ready to Sacrifice. He will get it. Everyone liked this decision very much, God said that the meaning should be like this. It was just a story. It doesn't matter whether God is there or not.

But the power that is being talked about. He really is. Which is not anywhere else but within you. A power that only needs to be awakened. Then nothing will remain impossible. Talking is going on here. Tony Robbins’s book – Awaken The Giant Within. Which in Hindi means, awaken that huge power hidden inside you. Tony Robbins is currently the world’s largest motivational speaker and self-help trainer.

Read : Milkha Singh Motivational Biography. How did Milkha Singh emerge out of so much struggle?

Dreams of Destiny
Most of the people don’t know that they have so much power inside them. If he concentrates on one thing in his life. So he can easily achieve success in it. Author says that we should always dream big in our life. Must learn how to achieve them.

Raise your standards The first thing you need to know is what you want from yourself. You have written all those things in a diary. The ones you don’t want to see in your life. Write about all those things too. The ones you want to have in your life.

Change your limiting beliefs if you still think so. Whatever you want in your life. Can’t find him So you have to change your belief. To be successful, it is essential. You came out of the realm of your limited thinking. Get all your limiting thoughts out of your mind.

Change your strategy to achieve your goals and be successful in life. You also have to change your strategy. You have to make such a strategy. Who can take you to your goal. There are many such people. Those who know what to do But such people are very few. That’s what they do in life.

It has a simple meaning. Having information is not enough. To be successful, it is also important to act on the information. Let's talk. those parts of life. Which is very important to control in order to be successful.
  1. Emotional mastery We should control our emotions. Because the reason behind doing any of our work. We only have feelings. Whatever we do. That’s why he does it. so that we can feel better.
  2. Physical mastery Only then will you be able to control your life. When you are physically fit. To achieve success and get full enjoyment of your life. Your body should be healthy and fit.
  3. Relationship mastery is essential to achieve success. Have good relationships with your successful people. Because such relationships connect you to those resources. What you need to be successful.
  4. Financial mastery To achieve success, you also need money. So money should be abundant with you. Because from time to time you have to invest money. If you don’t have enough money. So find the reason for lack of money. Change your thoughts about money. Think of the idea of ​​abundance.
  5. Time mastery means control over time. Give time to your new ideas. work on them. Some people have new ideas to achieve success in their mind. But he doesn’t work on them. At the same time, some people do not have time to think new ideas. If you don’t think new ideas. So won’t work on them. Then you will never be successful in life.

Decisions Are The Way To Power
That is the time to make decisions. When we decide What kind of life will we lead? That’s why it is very important to take right decisions at the right time in life. Those people are stupid. who think so. Our fate has already been written. Whatever happens in our life. It is predetermined.

The decisions we make in reality. In those moments, we write our destiny. You ask yourself. What kind of life do you want to live for the next 10 years? The kind of life you want to live in your future. What will you have to do today for that? So that you can be successful in living the life you want.

   If you don't decide today. What kind of life do you want to live? So it is certain that you will do such things in your life. Which will be much smaller than your ability. You will make less money. Live the life of a common man. The three decisions of life that can decide your fate. He is like this.

First decide what things you want to focus on.

Make a second decision about what things and things are important in your life.

The third decision is to decide what work you will do to get the desired result in life.

The Force That Shapes your Mind
Whatever work we do in our life. They do it either to ease the pain of your current situation. Or do it to get more joy in your life. The fear of being lost for most people. Profit is greater than desire to be. Whatever work he does. He does it only to avoid his loss. Not to make profit.

The only two reasons behind any action we do are pain and pleasure. These two emotions control everything we do. To be successful, we have to control our pain and joy. Will have to learn to use it. If you don’t learn to control your life. So the circumstances of your life will always be controlling you.

Belief System – The Power to Create and The Power to Destroy
Events happening in our life or our environment. do not make our lives. Rather, how do we understand our environment and events. Our lives are shaped by those thoughts. Most of our thoughts and beliefs are based on our past. From the events and circumstances that happened in our past. Either we get hurt. Or enjoy.

only on the basis of those events and circumstances. We form our thoughts and beliefs about life. Most people do not make this decision themselves. What does he want to think? How do you want to build trust? People often form their thoughts by observing events and situations. believe in them. He accepts them as the truth of his life.

Successful people never consider problems as permanent. Whereas unsuccessful people give up on the smallest problem. At the same time, some people spend their whole life in problems only. Whatever beliefs we make in our lives. He controls all our decisions. At the same time, we also make our future.

Change Can Happen In An Instant
Tony Robbins, the author of this book, studied about 700 books on the development of man in a few years. understood them. He read about neuro-linguistic programming in some books. Who can bring about such changes in a matter of seconds. Those take many years to happen.

 It is true that change does not happen in an instant. We spend time observing and understanding those changes. When he understands us. Only then do we react. People understand that it takes a long time for change to happen. It takes a lot of hard work. You must have heard that to be successful, it takes a lot of hard work. That's why you make this belief.

 To be successful, it takes many years. Our society and our culture also teach us the same thing. But in reality, changes happen in our brain within seconds. We can change our thoughts and beliefs in an instant. By changing the way we work and work. The results we get also change.

 For a change in our mind or mind, it takes only a few seconds. But in the outside world, it does take some time to see its results. It may take a few days or months for you to see results. But not years, as most people think.

 For example, some people are always in trouble and tension. Because they have made a habit of living in tension with the events and circumstances of their past. From feeling constant discomfort and tension. The pattern of these feelings is formed in our brain. which repeats itself over and over again. Then we feel tension and trouble.

  In this way, our brain becomes a pattern of any emotion. By repeating that pattern again and again, that feeling becomes our habit. Be it stress or happiness. That's when you will start feeling happiness as opposed to stress. You will feel feelings of happiness many times a day. So your old stress pattern will be broken.

A new pattern of feeling of happiness will start forming. By constantly feeling happy, its pattern will settle in your mind. Then you will learn to be happy always. In this way, in an instant, you can bring about a change in your feelings and life.

How to Change Anything in Your Life
How can you change any part of your life or any circumstance?

Decide what you really want Decide what you want in your life. What are those circumstances? Who is stopping you from getting it.

Get leverage Thinking that changing right now will cause pain. By taking the decision to change at this time, one will experience bliss. Only then can we take the decision to change at this very moment. When we feel the need to change.

Interrupt the limiting pattern if we keep doing the same thing. What we have been doing so far. So will always get the same result. that we have found so far. To get better results. We have to change our work and the way we work. Before you can change the way you do things, you have to change your thinking.

Condition the new pattern until it’s consistent is the right way to inculcate anything new in your mind. Practicing it continuously. Keep doing it until it becomes automatic. When you practice something. Connect your feelings with that. So she becomes even more powerful.

Test it You have to keep this in mind as well. The changes you are going to make today. You will benefit from this in future. If today you decide to do some new work. So in the coming future, you should take advantage of that.

How to Get What You Really Want
Often people do not know what they want. That’s why he adopts different ways to change his mood. Whatever you want or want. You should ask yourself why you want these things. When you think why do you want all this for yourself. Then you will know that there are some desires and feelings behind your desire.

 what you want to feel. Because feeling those feelings. makes you feel good. The things we focus on. That becomes our reality. So we should focus only on those things. What we want in our life. Not the things we are afraid of.

For this you need to know this first. What do you really want? This is the best way to know. Make a list of all those things. Doing those that make you feel good. After that, from among those tasks, choose those tasks. By doing which, you can benefit in future.

Read: How to make your place in people’s heart. How to Win Friends and Influence People Book Summary.

Questions Are The Answer
This is what it means to think. Ask yourself questions and find answers. If we want to make our life even better. So we have to change those questions. Which we often ask ourselves. We have to ask ourselves new questions. They have to find new answers. Good questions change the direction of our attention. Our thoughts and feelings too.

 Whenever you find yourself in trouble. You ask yourself questions. What are the causes of those problems? How do you get out of them? When there is a problem in your life. So you can ask questions like this.

First- what is special about this problem.

Second- what is that, which is not perfect yet.

Third- What can I do to solve this problem.

Fourth- What work should I do? which is necessary to solve this problem.

    In the morning when you are ready. So ask yourself this question. First - what am I happy about in my life?

Second- What am I thrilled with in my life?

Third- What is it like in my life? Which I am proud of.

Fourth- What are such things in my life. Who are such people? For which I am grateful.

   In the evening when you are free after finishing all the work. So ask yourself this question.

First – What good work did I do today?

Second- What did I learn new today?

Third- What did I do today? Which will make my life better.

I hope you are explained in this book. By adopting the methods, you can bring big changes in your life. I will always bring such motivational articles for you. Until you become worthy of living a happy life. My endeavor is to fill happiness in all of you’s life and always keep away from stress.

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