7 Habits Of Highly Effective People PDF Download

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7 Habits Of Highly Effective People

7 Habits of Highly Effective People The book was written by Stephen Covey in 1989, in this book Stephen tells us about the 7 habits that successful people use daily in their life, how they see the world and how 7 habits of highly effective people

Habit is what makes you, whatever we are today is because of the habits done in the past, so it is very important to improve the habits in our life.

Stephen has divided this book into three parts.

  • Personal Victory (It Has Three Habits)
  • Public victory (it has 3 habits)
  • Cultivate All Habits (It’s a Habit)

If we want to be successful in life then we have to go from inside to outside, it means to say that first we have to change ourselves and not others.

There are two types of ethics, personality ethics and character ethics.

A person with personality ethics always judges others, corrects others, finds faults in others, on the other hand, a person with character ethics always corrects himself, does not judge others, because of his mistake. Doesn’t keep cursing for others.

Since childhood, we have made some mentality in us, whether it is right or not, for example, whenever I ask for 3 roti in my mother, she always cuts a small piece in it and when I I ask why did this happen, mother says it is not right to give 3 rotis. sneezing like this, cutting the cat’s path, and don’t know what |speakingkitaab.com

One day Stephen was sitting in a restaurant, there was a lot of peace, everyone was eating their food very comfortably, suddenly there 2 children and their father come in.

As soon as the children come inside, they start making noise everywhere, sometimes running here, sometimes running there, but their father comes comfortably and sits down on a table with his head down and does not speak anything to his children.

Seeing all this, Stephen gets very angry and thinks in his mind that what kind of father is he cannot handle even his children, is sitting comfortably and the children are making so much noise.

When the children started making a lot of noise and everyone started getting angry, then finally Stephen asked the man that brother, your children are playing here, can you not even silence your children?

The man said in a trembling and low voice, oh yes I should do something, in fact we are just coming from the hospital where his mother passed away an hour ago, now I do not understand what to do and Maybe not even my little kids.

Stephen felt very bad after hearing this and sympathy arose in his heart for that man, and started thinking in his mind that he had already made a wrong mentality in his mind without knowing it.

Habit 1. Be proactive
Humans have always focused on their progress and human beings are self-aware, this is what separates us from animals. Animals can think, can understand but they do not have self-awareness. 7 habits of highly effective people in hindi

If I ask you a question, whatever you are today, whether you are happy, sad, successful, unsuccessful, or whatever situation you are in now, it is because of what?

Proactive people are those people who know, I am in this situation today because of the decision I took yesterday, whatever you are today, you are because of yourself, today you are sad or happy or successful or unsuccessful. Be it because of yourself.

There is no fault of others in this, proactive people do not impose their circumstances on others. They know that if I had not done or had done that work in the past, I would have done something else today.

So stop blaming others that your life has become bad because of them.

There are two types of people in this world, one is proactive and the other is reactive, there is a difference between the language and thinking of both.

Reactive people always blame others for their life, never hold themselves responsible for any mistake. But the same proactive people know that they are responsible for their own life.

circle of influence and circle of concern

Whatever happens to us in childhood is not our fault because when we had no self-awareness. We do not know what is wrong for us and what is right for us.7 habits of highly effective people in hindi

In childhood, we always blame others, but even after growing up, our habit remains the same, and we always let our life run through the hands of others.

Circle of influence: – Proactive people keep enlarging their circle of influence, that is to say, whatever they can do or whatever is in their hands, they take responsibility for that work, if it has rained today but They had to go somewhere outside for some work, so it is not in their hands to rain or not, but to carry an umbrella is in their hands.

But reactive people as we have seen above always blame others, the best example we can see right now in lock down is either you enlarge your circle of concern by abusing the virus or the government due to lock down or this lock Enlarge your circle of influence by learning some new skills down there.

Whatever the situation in life, always find a way to make your life better.

Always remember you are the doer of your life.

Habit 2. Think about the end from the beginning
Suppose you are going to the funeral of a loved one, where your family members, your friends, and your neighborhood are also present.

Then went inside his car park and saw inside everyone is very sad and crying. You took out your flowers and when you saw that dead body, what did you find that it is your own dead body | speakingkitaab.com

Then you sat there on the bench and one by one everyone started talking about you, first your family, then your friends and then the local people.

Now when you are reading this blog, think in your mind that at the time of your death, what would you like to hear from your family or friends or local people about yourself.

Before anything happens, it happens twice, first in your thinking and then physically. In the first habit we have seen that you are the doer of your own life, and in the second habit you will create your life but before that you will think about it.

Whatever work you are doing today, whether your job, your work, singing, dancing, acting, or any other work, do you want to get appreciation for this work at the end of life, then it is okay, if not, you should Need to think about the ending |speakingkitaab.com

You write your own constitution so that you can enlarge your circle of influence, but the most important thing is that on what your circle of influence center depends.

The center of your circle of influence should not depend on your spouse, children, money, church/temple/mosque/gurudwara, friend/enemy, property, family, etc.

For example, suppose your center is your wife, in which your power, guidance, protection, and knowledge are only dependent on the wife, then will you be sad on the day the wife’s mood is not good, hey my wife unhappy That’s why I am also sad.

If your strength, guidance, protection, and knowledge are dependent on your family or friend or enemy or any other person, then that person will also affect the rule of your constitution.

So always keep your principles at the center of your circle of influence, if you put your principles first in your life then you will be able to build good relationships with your family, friends, spouse or any other person.

Because people change but your principles will not change and you will not be deceived.

Whatever you want is already there inside you.

Habit 3. Important work first
We have already taught that man is different from animal because he has self-awareness, he knows what is right and what is wrong for him.

So what are you doing now? Yes yes you are reading the blog but what will you do immediately after that? Will you do that work which will help you to get success in your life or will you do that work which will just waste time.

The work that will help you become the person you imagined at your funeral, finish that work first and then do the rest.

For this you can take the help of this picture.

Whether you have to do any work or not, whether to do it immediately or later, you can do it through this picture, which I have explained below.

Part 1 – In this part, the work which is important and has to be done immediately like, friends made phone calls to play games, going out for a walk, preparing for next week’s exam, sudden danger etc.

If you think this work is very important but in reality it is not happening. You should teach to do all these things later, friends should come to say “no” with humility,

You feel that if I say no to friends, then he will feel bad, but in reality it does not happen, because we have learned above that your center is your principle and not any person.

You should be able to say no to the work that wastes time.

Part 2 – In this part, those works are done which are important, but we do not suffer any harm if we do not do it immediately.

Like our health, family relationships, exams coming after one year, etc.

That’s why we always put these things on hold until later, and when they come to the fore, we don’t have any plans to solve them.

All the successful people of the world, they give highest priority to this part and work today by keeping a distant thought.

Part 3 – In this part, those things are done which are unimportant, but we find it necessary, like picking up the phone when it rings, breaking it and seeing whose message came, checking mails, etc.

Try to postpone this work as much as possible, but we do the opposite, do the work that should be postponed immediately and keep postponing the work that should be done immediately.

Part 4 – In this part, those works come which are neither important nor necessary, such as playing games for hours, passing time, sitting for hours discussing some useless thing.

If you don’t do this work then it will be better.

Now ask yourself, are you doing what you really should be doing right now?

What do you learn from the book 7 habits of highly effective people?

  • Whatever you are today, be because of yourself, stop blaming others.
  • Always focus on expanding your circle of influence.
  • don’t depend your happiness on someone else
  • Think about your end from the beginning
  • plan everything
  • learn to judge important and urgent tasks
  • learn to say no politely

7 Habits Of Highly Effective People PDF Download

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