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The 5 AM Club Book Summery in English

So let’s start today’s story

A business seminar was going on where a famous business guru, Spell Binder was giving a speech. One was a sad entrepreneur in Odense and the other was a frustrated artist.

When these two started talking to each other, a poor man came from behind who was wearing very old clothes, but the strange thing was that he was wearing a very precious watch in his hand. Entrepreneur and artist became curious to know more about this mysterious man and started talking to him when he came to know that he is not poor but a millionaire, he wears old clothes to remind himself where he is from He has come and money is not everything, that poor looking billionaire, thanking the spell binder, told those people that he learned to achieve his success from him.

Most of the people in the world want to have extra ordinary things with them whereas the ultra ordinary people of the world want to do some extra ultra ordinary things.

Upon hearing this, the entrepreneur and artist became curious to know more about this mysterious man, who himself spoke like a guru and explained in detail how his personal mentor Spell Binder had taught one thing that was more than anything. was more important.

He said that he knows a world class method of successful people to get very good results. The billionaire was ready to learn that method for free provided he met him the next day at 5 in the morning. The next morning both the entrepreneur and the artist were a little doubtful and confused but they felt comfortable when a driver along with Rolls Royal picked them up and carried them in a personal jet bearing the 5AC logo. When the entrepreneur asked the driver what that people meant, he told that they meant 5 AM club and from there his journey of a revolutionary morning routine started so that he could make his life better. Were . (The 5 AM Club Book Summary)

The solitude and creative mental state of 5 am will help you perform like an elite performer. That billionaire told him that because of getting up at 5 o’clock he was able to change his personal life and reach a lot of heights and he became an agarbapati, his creativity increased, energy doubled and productivity increased 3 times. The isolation that happens by getting up at 5 in the morning has a manifold effect, he said, we all have limited brain energy ie cognitive bandwidth and we do many things throughout the day and we give our attention to different things. If so, gradually our energy decreases, by the time lunch time comes, we are not in a position to concentrate on anything because the bandwidth of our brain is almost exhausted, we have to shift our focus again and again. From one thing to another and we are not able to pay attention to any one thing for a long time. But if you wake up at 5 in the morning, you have a golden opportunity to focus completely.

At 5 a.m. you are well prepared to achieve a state of flow in your thinking. That billionaire said that this is because when you wake up at 5 o’clock and start your day in a very peaceful way, then the prefrontal cortex of your brain which controls your rational thought shuts down for a while, then its Very important means that many of you must have the problem of overthinking, stress will be there, you must be thinking about things. When you wake up at 5 o’clock in the morning, these things become very less, you come to a flow state by yourself, your brain works in a full way, that too with full energy, you are focused and you are not distracted anywhere. Because you are not overthinking. If you wake up at 5 o’clock, you will be more focused and productive. (The 5 AM Club Book Summary)

Now the question arises that what to do after getting up in the morning, according to the author, the first hour of your morning is your victory hour, you have to divide your first hour into 20/20/20 minutes and work out in the first 20 minutes. To do such a walkout that makes you sweat means to do high intensity work out. As you can do running or do any cardio work out. If we start exercising as soon as we wake up, it increases our energy and focus a lot. This is because when we exercise, a chemical called bDNA is released in our brain which reduces our stress label and increases the process of neuro connections in our brain. Due to which our focus and thinking power gets improved. To achieve top 5% elite performer result you need to do what 95% of entrepreneur, artist and others are not ready to do. Most of the people are not ready to get up at 5 in the morning so if you are ready then you will have a lot of competitive advantage.

In the next 20 minutes, you have to sit in peace and show your gratitude for those who have happiness in your life. Along with this, you have to focus on your goals. Think about what is most important to you today? How would you do that? Write down all these things in a diary, what is your goal and how far you are from it, which is called author journaling, by writing down the goals, the possibility of their completion increases greatly. Therefore, by doing this we must write the goals, we get more quality in our life that we can understand what is important for us. After doing all this, if time is saved, then you can also do meditation in this time.

In the last 20 minutes, from 5:40 to 6:00, you should increase your knowledge. That is, we have to gain knowledge in our field. You can read books for this. You can read biographies of great people. If you can see the book summary which can make you a better person than before, then by doing all these things in the first hour of the morning, you can remove negative emotions from your mind and negative chemicals from your body.

Four Interior Empires
To become a successful person, the author asks us to strengthen 4 pillars inside us and these are mind set, heart set, health set and soul set so let’s understand each one in detail.

Mind set – There are 2 types of mind set fixed mind set and growth mind set.

People with a fixed mind set believe that his attributes are like a stone’s streak and cannot be changed in any way. In the eyes of such people, failure shows the shortcomings of the person and striving for it only matters unless there is 100% expectation of success. Potential in Growth Mindset is the ability to develop skills over a period of time with little effort. NASA recognized the potential of its astronauts in such a way that instead of recruiting successful astronauts, they chose those astronauts who had faced failure and raised the flag of success by learning from their failure. People with Growth Mindset often win not because winning is everything to them, but they win because whatever they do they do with pleasure.

Heart set – Our heart set is connected to our emotional life. Even if only the mindset is improved, we will not be able to take good decisions. If we do not have a good relationship with our friends and family members. We are always troubled by thinking about old things, do not forgive people, keep the emotion in our heart, even then we cannot move forward. That’s why friends, you should know to understand the feelings of others. By reacting quickly to anything and getting angry too quickly, you will not be able to move forward because in this way you will never be able to connect with anyone. You will not have control over yourself and you will only live a mediator life.

Health set – After friends Mind set and Heart set comes Health set. If your health is not good, then you will not be able to grow you, so friends, it is necessary that you keep your health in the best condition. Take out time for your health every day and exercise. You should not think that exercising will waste time. Time wast is when you spend unnecessarily scrolling social media. If you want to understand the value of health, then you go to any hospital near your home and see. You will understand the value of your health.

Despite being good in all these three, comes the last important pillar of our life without which we are incomplete and that is Solset.

Solset – The author says that every day we should take some time out in the morning and sit alone in peace and try to know what we are in actual. To connect ourselves with your shol, we should do meditation. When you focus on your soulmate, you will be able to connect to your best version of yourself and see the world from a different perspective. Materialistic things will be of no importance to you again and the most important, fun and calming thing for you will give you inner happiness.

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