200+ Computer Keyboard Shortcut Keys PDF

IF you are a regular computer user, read this post till the end, today in this post, we will share with you, list of 500+ computer keyboard shortcut keys, which can save your lots of time and energy..

all these keyboard shortcut keys are useful for daily life use software such as MS Excel, MS Powerpoint, MS Word, and many more…

In the end, we have added computer keyboard shortcut keys PDF, so you can read all shortcut keys offline later.

So let’s Begin..

computer keyboard shortcut keys

computer keyboard shortcut keys

Key Function ( Operation )
Windows logo keyOpen or close the Start menu.
Win key + AOpen the action center.
Win + RRun a command.
Win + COpen Cortana.
Win + EOpen File Explorer
Win + BHighlight the notification area.
Win + HOpen the share charm.
Win + IOpen the setting app.
Win + LLock the desktop and go to the lock screen.
Win + MSwitch to desktop and minimize all open windows.
Win + OLock the orientation.
Win + POpen the project pane.
in + TCycle through the apps on the taskbar.
Win + ULunch the Ease of Access center.
Win + VCycle through notifications.
Win + XOpen the advance menu.
Win + GCycle through sidebar and gadget.
CTRL + CCopy the selected item.
CTRL + XCut the selected item.
CTRL + VPaste the selected item.
CTRL + XUndo an action.
Win + TAPOpen the task view.
Win + EnterOpen the narrator.
F5Refresh the active window.
F2Rename the selected item.
F3Search for a file or folder.
Win + Plus signZoom In.
Win + Minus signZoom Out.
DELETE KeyDelete the selected item and move it to the recycle bin.
SHIFT + DELETEDelete the selected item without moving it to the recycle bin.
CTRL + Right ArrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the next word.
CTRL + Left ArrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the Previous word.
CTRL + Down ArrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph.
CTRL + Up ArrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph.
SHIFT + Any Arrow keySelect more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text within a document.
CTRL + ASelect all items in a document or window.

computer keyboard shortcut keys and their functions

Shortcut KeyFunctions ( Operation )
Win + SpacebarSwitch input language and keyboard layout.
Win + BREAKDisplay the system properties dialog box.
Win + DDisplay the desktop.
Win + SHIFT + MRestore minimized windows to the desktop.
CTRL + Win + FSearch for computer.
ALT + ENTERDisplay properties for the selected item.
ALT + F4Close the active item.
ALT + SPACEBAROpen the shortcut menu for the active window.
CTRL + F4Close the active document.
ALT + TABSwitch between open items.
CTRL + ALT + TABUse the arrow keys to switch between open items.
Win + ESCAPEClose Magnifier.
Win + Left ArrowDock the active window to the left half of the monitor.
Win + Right ArrowDock the active window to the right half of the monitor.
Win + Up ArrowMaximize the active window vertically and horizontally.
Win + Down ArrowRestore or minimize the active window.
Win + SHIFT + Left ArrowWith multiple monitors, move the active window to the monitor on the left.
Win +PRNT SCRNTake a picture of the screen and place it in the Computer>Pictures>Screenshots folder.
Win + CTRL + LEFT/RIGHT ArrowSwitch to the next or previous virtual desktop.
Win + CTRL + DCreate a new virtual desktop.
Win + CTRL + F4Close the current virtual desktop.
Win +?Launch the Windows Feedback App.
Win + SHIFT + RIGHT ARROWWith multiple monitors, move the active window to the monitor on the right.
Win + HOMEMinimize all nonactive windows; restore on the second keystroke.
Win + SHIFT + DOWN ARROWRestore or minimize the active window vertically, maintaining the current width.
Win + SHIFT + UP ARROWMaximize the active window vertically, maintaining the current width.
Alt + F4 (Function key F4)Shut down or restart Windows.
Ctrl + InsCopy selected item.
Shift + DelCut selected item.
CTRL + ALT + DELRestart the computer.
CTRL + ESCDisplay the start menu.

Excel Shortcut Keys List

Windows Shortcut KeysMac Shortcut KeysFunction ( Or Operation )
Ctrl+A⌘+ASelect all contents of a worksheet.
Ctrl+B⌘+BBold all cells in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+D⌘+DFill the Content of the selected cell on top to bottom. CTRL + D (i.e. Ctrl+ Down)
Ctrl+F⌘+F“Search the current sheet.
Ctrl+G⌘+GGo to a certain area.
Ctrl+H⌘+HFind and replace.
Ctrl+I⌘+IPuts italics on all cells in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+K⌘+KInserts a hyperlink.
Ctrl+P⌘+PPrint the current sheet.
Ctrl+R⌘+RFill Right.
Ctrl+S⌘+SSaves the open worksheet.
Ctrl+U⌘+UUnderlines all cells in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+V⌘+VPastes everything copied onto the clipboard.
Ctrl+W⌘+WCloses the current workbook.
Ctrl+X⌘+XCuts all cells within the highlighted section.
Ctrl+Y⌘+YRepeats the last entry.
Ctrl+Z⌘+ZUndo the last action.

computer keyboard shortcut keys from a to z pdf

Window KeyMac KeyFunction ( Operation )
Ctrl+1⌘+1Changes the format of the selected cells.
Ctrl+2⌘+2Bolds all cells in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+3⌘+3Puts italics all cells in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+4⌘+4Underlines all cells in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+5⌘+5Puts a strikethrough all cells in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+6⌘+6Shows or hides objects.
Ctrl+7⌘+7Shows or hides the toolbar.
Ctrl+8⌘+8Toggles the outline symbols.
Ctrl+9⌘+9Hides rows.
Ctrl+0⌘+0Hides columns.
Ctrl+Shift+:⌘+⇧+:Enters the current time.
Ctrl+;⌘+;Enters the current date.
Ctrl+`⌘+`Changes between displaying cell values or formulas in the worksheet.
Ctrl+‘⌘+‘Copies a formula from the cell above.
Ctrl+Shift+“⌘+⇧+“Copies value from the cell above.
Ctrl+–⌘+–Deletes the selected column or row.
Ctrl+Shift+=⌘+⇧+=Inserts a new column or row.
Ctrl+Shift+~⌘+⇧+~Switches between showing Excel formulas or their values in cells.
Ctrl+Shift+@⌘+⇧+@Applies time formatting.
Ctrl+Shift+!⌘+⇧+!Applies comma formatting.
Ctrl+Shift+$⌘+⇧+$Applies currency formatting.
Ctrl+Shift+#⌘+⇧+#Applies date formatting.
Ctrl+Shift+%⌘+⇧+%Applies percentage formatting.
Ctrl+Shift+^⌘+⇧+^Applies exponential formatting.
Ctrl+Shift+*⌘+⇧+*Selects the current region around the active cell.
Ctrl+Shift+&⌘+⇧+&Places border around selected cells.
Ctrl+Shift+_⌘+⇧+_Removes a border.

MS Excel Shortcuts Keys For Windows & Math

Window MacFunction
Ctrl+Shift+(⌘+⇧+(Unhide rows.
Ctrl+Shift+)⌘+⇧+)Unhide columns.
Ctrl+/⌘+⇧+)Selects the array containing the active cell.
Ctrl+\⌘+\Selects the cells that have a static value or don’t match the formula in the active cell.
Ctrl+[⌘+\Selects all cells referenced by formulas in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+]⌘+]Selects cells that contain formulas that reference the active cell.
Ctrl+Shift+{⌘+⇧+{Selects all cells directly or indirectly referenced by formulas in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+Shift+}⌘+⇧+}Selects cells that contain formulas that directly or indirectly reference the active cell.
Ctrl+Shift+|⌘+⇧+|Selects the cells within a column that don’t match the formula or static value in the active cell.
Ctrl+Enter⌘+ReturnFills the selected cells with the current entry.
Ctrl+Spacebar⌘+SpacebarSelects the entire column.
Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar⌘+⇧+SpacebarSelects the entire worksheet.
Ctrl+HomeFn+⌃+←Move to cell A1.
Ctrl+EndFn+⌃+→Move to the last cell on a worksheet.
Ctrl+Tab⌘+TabMove between Two or more open Excel files.
Ctrl+Shift+Tab⌘+⇧+TabActivates the previous workbook.
Ctrl+Shift+A⌘+⇧+AInserts argument names into a formula.
Ctrl+Shift+F⌘+⇧+FOpens the drop-down menu for fonts.
Ctrl+Shift+F⌘+⇧+FSelects all of the cells that contain comments.
Ctrl+Shift+P⌘+⇧+POpens the drop-down menu for the point size.
Shift+Insert⇧+InsertPastes what is stored on the clipboard.
Shift+pg upFn+⇧+↑In a single column, highlights all cells above that which are selected.
Shift+pg dnFn+⇧+↓In a single column, highlights all cells above that which are selected.
Shift+HomeFn+⇧+←Highlights all text to the left of the cursor.
Shift+EndFn+⇧+→Highlights all text to the right of the cursor.
Window KeyMac KeyFunction ( Operation )
Shift+↑⇧+↑Extends the highlighted area up to one cell.
Shift+↓⇧+↓Extends the highlighted area down one cell.
Shift+←⇧+←Extends the highlighted area left one character.
Shift+→⇧+→Extends the highlighted area right one character.
Alt+Tab⌥+TabCycles through applications.
Alt+Spacebar⌥+SpacebarOpens the system menu.
Alt+Enter⌥+ReturnWhile typing text in a cell, pressing Alt+Enter will move to the next line, allowing for multiple lines of text in one cell.
Alt+=⌥+=It creates a formula to sum all of the above cells.
Alt+‘⌥+‘Allows formatting on a dialog box.
F1Fn+F1Opens the Help menu.
F2Fn+F2Edits the selected cell.
F3Fn+F3After a name has been created, F3 will paste names.
F4Fn+F4Repeats the last action. For example, if you changed the color of the text in another cell, pressing F4 will change the text in a cell to the same color.
F5Fn+F5Goes to a specific cell. For example, C6.
F6Fn+F6Move to the next pane.
F7Fn+F7Spell check selected text or document.
F8Fn+F8Enters Extend Mode.
F9Fn+F9Recalculates every workbook.
F10Fn+F10Activates the menu bar.
F11Fn+F11Creates a chart from selected data.
F12Fn+F12Save as.

Also Read : Computer Related Full forms

Window KeyMAC KeyFunction ( Operation )
Shift+F1Fn+⇧+F1Opens the “What’s This?” window.
Shift+F2Fn+⇧+F2It allows the user to edit a cell comment.
Shift+F3Fn+⇧+F3Opens the Excel formula window.
Shift+F5Fn+⇧+F5Brings up a search box.
Shift+F6Fn+⇧+F6Move to the previous page.
Shift+F8Fn+⇧+F8Add to selection.
Shift+F9Fn+⇧+F9Performs calculate function on the active sheet.
Ctrl+F3Fn+^+F3Open Excel Name Manager.
Ctrl+F4Fn+^+F4Closes current Window.
Ctrl+F5Fn+^+F5Restores window size.
Ctrl+F6Fn+^+F6Next workbook.
Ctrl+Shift+F6⌘+⇧+Fn+F6Previous workbook.
Ctrl+F7⌘+Fn+F7Moves the window.
Ctrl+F8⌘+Fn+F8Resizes the window.
Ctrl+F9⌘+Fn+F9Minimize the current window.
Ctrl+F10⌘+Fn+F10Maximize the currently selected window.
Ctrl+F11⌘+Fn+F11Inserts a macro sheet.
Ctrl+F12⌘+Fn+F12Opens a file.
Ctrl+Shift+F3⌘+⇧+Fn+F3Creates names by using those of either row or column labels.
Ctrl+Shift+F6⌘+⇧+Fn+F6Moves to the previous worksheet window.
Ctrl+Shift+F12⌘+⇧+Fn+F12Prints the current worksheet.
Alt+F1Fn+⌥+F1Inserts a chart.
Alt+F2Fn+⌥+F2Save as.
Alt+F4Fn+⌥+F4Exits Excel.
Alt+F8Fn+⌥+F8Opens the macro dialog box.
Alt+F11Fn+⌥+F11Opens the Visual Basic editor.
Alt+Shift+F1Fn+⌥+⇧+F1Creates a new worksheet.
Alt+Shift+F2Fn+⌥+⇧+F2Saves the current worksheet.

Browser Shortcut Keys List ( Chrome & Mozilla Firefox )

Shortcut KeysFunctions
CTRL+TNew tab
CTRL+NNew window
CTRL+SHIFT+NNew incognito window
CTRL+JDownload menu
CTRL+TDelete and open history
Ctrl+SHIFT+DELETEDelete all browser data
Ctrl+Dbookmark page
Ctrl+SHIFT+TRestore last close tab

CMD Shortcut Keys List

Ctrl + CCopy the selected text.
Ctrl + VPaste the selected text.
Ctrl + MEnter Mark mode.
Ctrl + Home (Mark mode)Move the cursor to the beginning of the buffer.
Ctrl + End (Mark mode)Move the cursor to the end of the buffer.
Ctrl + Up arrowMove up one line in the output history.
Ctrl + Down arrowMove down one line in the output history.
Ctrl + EndIf the command line is empty, move the viewport to the command line. Otherwise, delete all the characters to the right of the cursor in the command line.
Alt + selection keyBegin selection in block mode.
Arrow keysMove the cursor in the direction specified.
Page upMove the cursor by one page up.
Page downMove the cursor by one page down

MS Word Shortcut Keys List

Function Shortcut Key
Create a new documentCtrl + N
Open documentCtrl + O
Close documentCtrl + W
Save documentCtrl + S
Save document asF12
Print documentCtrl + P
Open recent fileAlt then F, R
Undo the last actionCtrl + Z
Redo the last actionCtrl + Y
Cut text or objectCtrl + X
Copy text or objectCtrl + C
Paste selected text or objectCtrl + V
Copy text formatCtrl + Shift + C
Paste text formatCtrl + Shift + V
Paste and keep source formattingCtrl + V, then Ctrl, then K
Paste and keep text onlyCtrl + V, then Ctrl, then T
Show or Hide the RibbonCtrl + F1
Insert Copyright symbolAlt + Ctrl + C
Insert Trademark symbolAlt + Ctrl + T
Insert Registered Trademark symbolAlt + Ctrl + R
Insert Euro currency symbolAlt + Ctrl + E
Insert horizontal ellipsis(…)Alt + Ctrl + .
Insert Em dashAlt + Ctrl + –
Insert SymbolAlt then N then U
Insert FootnoteAlt + Ctrl + F
Insert an EndnoteAlt + Ctrl + D
Insert a HyperlinkCtrl + K
Insert Citation MarkAlt + Shift + I
Insert Index MarkAlt + Shift + X
Insert Paragraph BreakEnter
Insert line break without breaking the paragraphShift + Enter
Insert Page BreakCtrl + Enter
Insert column breakCtrl + Shift + Enter
Insert Non-breaking spaceCtrl + Shift + Space
Insert Non-Breaking HyphenCtrl + Shift

computer keyboard shortcut keys

Key Function ( Operation )
Windows logo keyOpen or close the Start menu.
Win key + AOpen the action center.
Win + RRun a command.
Win + COpen Cortana.
Win + EOpen File Explorer
Win + BHighlight the notification area.
Win + HOpen the share charm.
Win + IOpen the setting app.
Win + LLock the desktop and go to the lock screen.
Win + MSwitch to desktop and minimize all open windows.
Win + OLock the orientation.
Win + POpen the project pane.
in + TCycle through the apps on the taskbar.
Win + ULunch the Ease of Access center.
Win + VCycle through notifications.
Win + XOpen the advance menu.
Win + GCycle through sidebar and gadget.
CTRL + CCopy the selected item.
CTRL + XCut the selected item.
CTRL + VPaste the selected item.
CTRL + XUndo an action.
Win + TAPOpen the task view.
Win + EnterOpen the narrator.
F5Refresh the active window.
F2Rename the selected item.
F3Search for a file or folder.
Win + Plus signZoom In.
Win + Minus signZoom Out.
DELETE KeyDelete the selected item and move it to the recycle bin.
SHIFT + DELETEDelete the selected item without moving it to the recycle bin.
CTRL + Right ArrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the next word.
CTRL + Left ArrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the Previous word.
CTRL + Down ArrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph.
CTRL + Up ArrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph.
SHIFT + Any Arrow keySelect more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text within a document.
CTRL + ASelect all items in a document or window.

Computer Shortcut Keys List

Shortcut KeyFunctions ( Operation )
Win + SpacebarSwitch input language and keyboard layout.
Win + BREAKDisplay the system properties dialog box.
Win + DDisplay the desktop.
Win + SHIFT + MRestore minimized windows to the desktop.
CTRL + Win + FSearch for computer.
ALT + ENTERDisplay properties for the selected item.
ALT + F4Close the active item.
ALT + SPACEBAROpen the shortcut menu for the active window.
CTRL + F4Close the active document.
ALT + TABSwitch between open items.
CTRL + ALT + TABUse the arrow keys to switch between open items.
Win + ESCAPEClose Magnifier.
Win + Left ArrowDock the active window to the left half of the monitor.
Win + Right ArrowDock the active window to the right half of the monitor.
Win + Up ArrowMaximize the active window vertically and horizontally.
Win + Down ArrowRestore or minimize the active window.
Win + SHIFT + Left ArrowWith multiple monitors, move the active window to the monitor on the left.
Win +PRNT SCRNTake a picture of the screen and place it in the Computer>Pictures>Screenshots folder.
Win + CTRL + LEFT/RIGHT ArrowSwitch to the next or previous virtual desktop.
Win + CTRL + DCreate a new virtual desktop.
Win + CTRL + F4Close the current virtual desktop.
Win +?Launch the Windows Feedback App.
Win + SHIFT + RIGHT ARROWWith multiple monitors, move the active window to the monitor on the right.
Win + HOMEMinimize all nonactive windows; restore on the second keystroke.
Win + SHIFT + DOWN ARROWRestore or minimize the active window vertically, maintaining the current width.
Win + SHIFT + UP ARROWMaximize the active window vertically, maintaining the current width.
Alt + F4 (Function key F4)Shut down or restart Windows.
Ctrl + InsCopy selected item.
Shift + DelCut selected item.
CTRL + ALT + DELRestart the computer.
CTRL + ESCDisplay the start menu.

Excel Shortcut Keys List

Windows Shortcut KeysMac Shortcut KeysFunction ( Or Operation )
Ctrl+A⌘+ASelect all contents of a worksheet.
Ctrl+B⌘+BBold all cells in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+D⌘+DFill the Content of the selected cell on top to bottom. CTRL + D (i.e. Ctrl+ Down)
Ctrl+F⌘+F“Search the current sheet.
Ctrl+G⌘+GGo to a certain area.
Ctrl+H⌘+HFind and replace.
Ctrl+I⌘+IPuts italics on all cells in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+K⌘+KInserts a hyperlink.
Ctrl+P⌘+PPrint the current sheet.
Ctrl+R⌘+RFill Right.
Ctrl+S⌘+SSaves the open worksheet.
Ctrl+U⌘+UUnderlines all cells in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+V⌘+VPastes everything copied onto the clipboard.
Ctrl+W⌘+WCloses the current workbook.
Ctrl+X⌘+XCuts all cells within the highlighted section.
Ctrl+Y⌘+YRepeats the last entry.
Ctrl+Z⌘+ZUndo the last action.
Window KeyMac KeyFunction ( Operation )
Ctrl+1⌘+1Changes the format of the selected cells.
Ctrl+2⌘+2Bolds all cells in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+3⌘+3Puts italics all cells in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+4⌘+4Underlines all cells in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+5⌘+5Puts a strikethrough all cells in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+6⌘+6Shows or hides objects.
Ctrl+7⌘+7Shows or hides the toolbar.
Ctrl+8⌘+8Toggles the outline symbols.
Ctrl+9⌘+9Hides rows.
Ctrl+0⌘+0Hides columns.
Ctrl+Shift+:⌘+⇧+:Enters the current time.
Ctrl+;⌘+;Enters the current date.
Ctrl+`⌘+`Changes between displaying cell values or formulas in the worksheet.
Ctrl+‘⌘+‘Copies a formula from the cell above.
Ctrl+Shift+“⌘+⇧+“Copies value from the cell above.
Ctrl+–⌘+–Deletes the selected column or row.
Ctrl+Shift+=⌘+⇧+=Inserts a new column or row.
Ctrl+Shift+~⌘+⇧+~Switches between showing Excel formulas or their values in cells.
Ctrl+Shift+@⌘+⇧+@Applies time formatting.
Ctrl+Shift+!⌘+⇧+!Applies comma formatting.
Ctrl+Shift+$⌘+⇧+$Applies currency formatting.
Ctrl+Shift+#⌘+⇧+#Applies date formatting.
Ctrl+Shift+%⌘+⇧+%Applies percentage formatting.
Ctrl+Shift+^⌘+⇧+^Applies exponential formatting.
Ctrl+Shift+*⌘+⇧+*Selects the current region around the active cell.
Ctrl+Shift+&⌘+⇧+&Places border around selected cells.
Ctrl+Shift+_⌘+⇧+_Removes a border.

MS Excel Shortcuts Keys For Windows & Math

Window MacFunction
Ctrl+Shift+(⌘+⇧+(Unhide rows.
Ctrl+Shift+)⌘+⇧+)Unhide columns.
Ctrl+/⌘+⇧+)Selects the array containing the active cell.
Ctrl+\⌘+\Selects the cells that have a static value or don’t match the formula in the active cell.
Ctrl+[⌘+\Selects all cells referenced by formulas in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+]⌘+]Selects cells that contain formulas that reference the active cell.
Ctrl+Shift+{⌘+⇧+{Selects all cells directly or indirectly referenced by formulas in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+Shift+}⌘+⇧+}Selects cells that contain formulas that directly or indirectly reference the active cell.
Ctrl+Shift+|⌘+⇧+|Selects the cells within a column that don’t match the formula or static value in the active cell.
Ctrl+Enter⌘+ReturnFills the selected cells with the current entry.
Ctrl+Spacebar⌘+SpacebarSelects the entire column.
Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar⌘+⇧+SpacebarSelects the entire worksheet.
Ctrl+HomeFn+⌃+←Move to cell A1.
Ctrl+EndFn+⌃+→Move to the last cell on a worksheet.
Ctrl+Tab⌘+TabMove between Two or more open Excel files.
Ctrl+Shift+Tab⌘+⇧+TabActivates the previous workbook.
Ctrl+Shift+A⌘+⇧+AInserts argument names into a formula.
Ctrl+Shift+F⌘+⇧+FOpens the drop-down menu for fonts.
Ctrl+Shift+F⌘+⇧+FSelects all of the cells that contain comments.
Ctrl+Shift+P⌘+⇧+POpens the drop-down menu for the point size.
Shift+Insert⇧+InsertPastes what is stored on the clipboard.
Shift+pg upFn+⇧+↑In a single column, highlights all cells above that which are selected.
Shift+pg dnFn+⇧+↓In a single column, highlights all cells above that which are selected.
Shift+HomeFn+⇧+←Highlights all text to the left of the cursor.
Shift+EndFn+⇧+→Highlights all text to the right of the cursor.
Window KeyMac KeyFunction ( Operation )
Shift+↑⇧+↑Extends the highlighted area up to one cell.
Shift+↓⇧+↓Extends the highlighted area down one cell.
Shift+←⇧+←Extends the highlighted area left one character.
Shift+→⇧+→Extends the highlighted area right one character.
Alt+Tab⌥+TabCycles through applications.
Alt+Spacebar⌥+SpacebarOpens the system menu.
Alt+Enter⌥+ReturnWhile typing text in a cell, pressing Alt+Enter will move to the next line, allowing for multiple lines of text in one cell.
Alt+=⌥+=It creates a formula to sum all of the above cells.
Alt+‘⌥+‘Allows formatting on a dialog box.
F1Fn+F1Opens the Help menu.
F2Fn+F2Edits the selected cell.
F3Fn+F3After a name has been created, F3 will paste names.
F4Fn+F4Repeats the last action. For example, if you changed the color of the text in another cell, pressing F4 will change the text in a cell to the same color.
F5Fn+F5Goes to a specific cell. For example, C6.
F6Fn+F6Move to the next pane.
F7Fn+F7Spell check selected text or document.
F8Fn+F8Enters Extend Mode.
F9Fn+F9Recalculates every workbook.
F10Fn+F10Activates the menu bar.
F11Fn+F11Creates a chart from selected data.
F12Fn+F12Save as.
Window KeyMAC KeyFunction ( Operation )
Shift+F1Fn+⇧+F1Opens the “What’s This?” window.
Shift+F2Fn+⇧+F2It allows the user to edit a cell comment.
Shift+F3Fn+⇧+F3Opens the Excel formula window.
Shift+F5Fn+⇧+F5Brings up a search box.
Shift+F6Fn+⇧+F6Move to the previous page.
Shift+F8Fn+⇧+F8Add to selection.
Shift+F9Fn+⇧+F9Performs calculate function on the active sheet.
Ctrl+F3Fn+^+F3Open Excel Name Manager.
Ctrl+F4Fn+^+F4Closes current Window.
Ctrl+F5Fn+^+F5Restores window size.
Ctrl+F6Fn+^+F6Next workbook.
Ctrl+Shift+F6⌘+⇧+Fn+F6Previous workbook.
Ctrl+F7⌘+Fn+F7Moves the window.
Ctrl+F8⌘+Fn+F8Resizes the window.
Ctrl+F9⌘+Fn+F9Minimize the current window.
Ctrl+F10⌘+Fn+F10Maximize the currently selected window.
Ctrl+F11⌘+Fn+F11Inserts a macro sheet.
Ctrl+F12⌘+Fn+F12Opens a file.
Ctrl+Shift+F3⌘+⇧+Fn+F3Creates names by using those of either row or column labels.
Ctrl+Shift+F6⌘+⇧+Fn+F6Moves to the previous worksheet window.
Ctrl+Shift+F12⌘+⇧+Fn+F12Prints the current worksheet.
Alt+F1Fn+⌥+F1Inserts a chart.
Alt+F2Fn+⌥+F2Save as.
Alt+F4Fn+⌥+F4Exits Excel.
Alt+F8Fn+⌥+F8Opens the macro dialog box.
Alt+F11Fn+⌥+F11Opens the Visual Basic editor.
Alt+Shift+F1Fn+⌥+⇧+F1Creates a new worksheet.
Alt+Shift+F2Fn+⌥+⇧+F2Saves the current worksheet.

Browser Shortcut Keys List ( Chrome & Mozilla Firefox )

Shortcut KeysFunctions
CTRL+TNew tab
CTRL+NNew window
CTRL+SHIFT+NNew incognito window
CTRL+JDownload menu
CTRL+TDelete and open history
Ctrl+SHIFT+DELETEDelete all browser data
Ctrl+Dbookmark page
Ctrl+SHIFT+TRestore last close tab

CMD Shortcut Keys List

Ctrl + CCopy the selected text.
Ctrl + VPaste the selected text.
Ctrl + MEnter Mark mode.
Ctrl + Home (Mark mode)Move the cursor to the beginning of the buffer.
Ctrl + End (Mark mode)Move the cursor to the end of the buffer.
Ctrl + Up arrowMove up one line in the output history.
Ctrl + Down arrowMove down one line in the output history.
Ctrl + EndIf the command line is empty, move the viewport to the command line. Otherwise, delete all the characters to the right of the cursor in the command line.
Alt + selection keyBegin selection in block mode.
Arrow keysMove the cursor in the direction specified.
Page upMove the cursor by one page up.
Page downMove the cursor by one page down

MS Word Shortcut Keys List

Function Shortcut Key
Create a new documentCtrl + N
Open documentCtrl + O
Close documentCtrl + W
Save documentCtrl + S
Save document asF12
Print documentCtrl + P
Open recent fileAlt then F, R
Undo the last actionCtrl + Z
Redo the last actionCtrl + Y
Cut text or objectCtrl + X
Copy text or objectCtrl + C
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Computer Keyboard Shortcut Keys PDF download

Conclusion :

I hope these all Computer Keyboard Shortcut Keys will save your lots of time in daily life.

if you think we missed any shortcut keys, then, please you can submit them in the comment section

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