( A to Z ) Computer Related Full Forms PDF

Hello Guys, Today in this post, we will share with you A to Z Computer Related Full Forms With PDF.

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Computer Related Full Forms PDF

PDF NameComputer Related Full Forms
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Short FormFull Form
ULSIUltra Large-Scale Integration
EIGRPEnhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
CDNContent Delivery Network
NMINon-Maskable Interrupt
PPIPixels Per Inch
RJ45Registered Jack 45
SECSingle Edge Connector
BERBit Error Rate
OOPSObject-Oriented Programming System
ATAAdvanced Technology Attachment
RISCReduced Instruction Set Computer
NFSNetwork File System
SFCSystem File Checker
ICRIntelligent Character Recognition
BTXBalanced Technology Extended
DOSDisk Operating System
CTSClear to Send
AMDAdvanced Micro Devices
DVDDigital Video Disc
CD-RCompact Disk – Recordable.
BALBasic Assembly Language
UTFUnicode Transformation Format
MIDIMusical Instrument Digital Interface
BATMicrosoft Batch Processing
VTVideo Terminal
HPHewlett Packard
URNUniform Resource Name
D2DDevice to Device
DSHDDouble Sided High Density
FDCFloppy Disk Controller
SDNService Delivery Network
SBUStandard Build Unit
MPLMozilla Public License
ENIACElectronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
CAQAComputer–Aided Quality Assurance
ASFAdvanced Systems Format
RAMRandom Access Memory
ROMRead Only Memory
CPUCentral Processing Unit
URLUniform Resource Locator
USBUniversal Serial Bus
VIRUSVital Information Resource Under Siege
TCPTransmission Control Protocol
UPSUninterruptible Power Supply
SATASerial Advanced Technology Attachment
PSUPower Supply Unit
SMPSSwitched-Mode Power Supply
CDCompact Disc
DVDDigital Versatile Disc
CRTCathode Ray Tube
DECDigital Equipment Corporation
SAPSystem Application and Products
PNGPortable Network Graphics
IPInternet Protocol
GISGeographical Information system
DDSDigital Data Storage
CADComputer Aided Design
ACPIAdvanced Configuration and Power Interface
AGPAccelerated Graphics Port
APMAdvanced Power Management
APIPAAutomatic Private Internet Protocol Addressing
HTTPHyper Text Transfer Protocol
HTTPSHyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure
GPUGraphics Processing Unit
GDIGraphics Device Interface
ICPInternet Cache Protocol
GIGOGarbage In Garbage Out
GMAILGraphical Mail
CANCampus Area Network
CALComputer Aided Leering
GPLGeneral Public License
GCRGroup Code Recording
MSNMicrosoft Networks
BCCBlind Carbon Copy
VDIVirtual Desktop Infrastructure
MPEGMoving Picture Experts Group
TPUTensor Processing Unit
PSDPhotoshop Document
DPIDots Per Inch
FYAFor Your Action
CRSComputer Reservation System
BFDBinary File Descriptor
ABRAvailable Bit Rate
GBPSGigabits Per Second
PINGPacket InterNet Groper
CSMACarrier Sense Multiple Access
ADActive Directory
ADCAnalog to Digital Converter
BGPBorder Gateway Protocol
CSICommon System Interface
DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol
OSIOpen Systems Interconnection
LANLocal Area Network
WANWide Area Network
MANMetropolitan Area Network
PANPersonal Area Network
MACMedia Access Control
OMROptical Mark Recognition
NICNetwork Interface Card
LDAPLightweight Directory Access Protocol
UARTUniversal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter
DCEDistributed Computing Environment
PFAPlease Find Attached
HCIHuman Computer Interaction
FHSFilesystem Hierarchy Standard
FCSFrame Check Sequence
DVEDigital Video Effects
DLLData Link Layer
CSVComma Separated Values
CTCPClient–to–Client Protocol
ABIApplication Binary Interface
MISManagement Information System
BIOSBasic Input Output System
SMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol
LTELong Term Evolution
AHAAccelerated Hub Architecture
ALUArithmetic Logical Unit
FPUFloating Point Unit
FXPFile Exchange Protocol
HIDHuman Interface Device
IOSiPhone Operating System
PATAParallel Advanced Technology Attachment
DDRDouble Data Rate
DFSDistributed File System
MIPSMillion Instructions Per Second
MMCMicrosoft Management Console
VGCTVideo Graphics Character Table
WBMPWireless BitMap Image
PCMPulse-Code Modulation
WMAWindows Media Audio
RASRemote Access Service
HTMHierarchical Temporal Memory
SISSecurity and Intelligence Services
LBALogical Block Addressing
CIDRClassless Inter-Domain Routing
MIMOMultiple-Input Multiple Output
PLCProgrammable Logic Controller
SCSISmall Computer System Interface
NVRAMNon-Volatile Random-Access Memory
BLOBBinary large Object
VPNVirtual Private Network
SFFSmall Form Factor
CAIComputer–Aided Instruction
EMPElectro-Magnetic Pulse
EIDEEnhanced Integrated Drive Electronics
AACAdvanced Audio Codec
IIOPInternet Inter-ORB Protocol
ASLAge Sex Location
MBSAMicrosoft Baseline Security Analyzer
ZIPZig-zag In-line Package
HSPAHigh Speed Packet Access
VFSVirtual File System
SIMDSingle Instruction Multiple Data
IPCInter-Process Communication
DACDiscretionary Access Control
DKIMDomain Keys Identified Mail
WIFIWireless Fidelity
PTPPicture Transfer Protocol
IGRPInterior Gateway Routing Protocol
HIGHuman Interface Guidelines
UNIVACUniversal Automatic Computer
CIFSCommon Internet File System
HALHardware Abstraction Layer
IPV6Internet Protocol Version 6
CNRCommunication Network Riser
EISAExtended Industry Standard Architecture
RPMRed-Hat Package Manager
DLTDistributed Ledger Technology
ISHInformation Super Highway
DTSDigital Theater System
MSBMost Significant Bit
HVDHolographic Versatile Disk
MOSFETMetal-Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
AMRAdaptive Multi-Rate
BCDBinary Coded Decimal
DMADirect Memory Access
AVIAudio Video Interleave
WLANWireless Local Area Network
CAMComputer Aided Manufacturing
RIFFResource Interchange File Format
TFTPTrivial File Transfer Protocol
WUSBWireless Universal Serial Bus
HHDHybrid Hard Drive
HSDPAHigh Speed Downlink Packet Access
ASTAbstract Syntax Tree
MSDMost significant Digit
IRQInterrupt Request
DVIDigital Visual Interface
SPARCScalable Processor Architecture
URIUniform Resource Identifier
EPROMErasable Programmable Read Only Memory
SANStorage Area Network
EBCDICExtended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
MVSMultiple Vendor System
NASNetwork Attached Storage
BPSBits Per Second
LPXLow Profile Extension
HCLHardware Compatibility List
RTSReal Time Streaming
RAIDRedundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
MUIMultilingual User Interface
MFDMulti-Function Device
CISCComplex Instruction Set Computer
MBRMaster Boot Record
BINACBinary Automatic Computer
SGRAMSynchronous Graphics Random Access Memory
DLPDigital Light Processing
UEFIUnified Extensible Firmware Interface
LLCLogical Link Control
DOCDocument (Microsoft Corporation)
ARPANETAdvanced Research Projects Agency Network
ACLAccess Control List
RAITRedundant Array of Inexpensive Tapes
MMXMulti-Media Extensions
STPSpanning Tree Protocol
MLIMultiple Link Interface
RIPRouting Information Protocol
AIFFAudio Interchange File Format
RMAReturned Materials Authorization
EGPExterior Gateway Protocol
XMFExtensible Music File
MTBFMean Time Between Failure
MIMEMultipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
SRAMStatic Random-Access Memory
SDRSoftware-Defined Radio
PAPPassword Authentication Protocol
VRAMVideo Random Access Memory
WAPWireless Application Protocol
TGTTicket Granting Ticket
GIFGraphics Interchange Format
TPMTrusted Platform Module
SPSSStatistical Package for the Social Sciences
VMVirtual Machine
OSOperating System
MNGMultiple-image Network Graphics
CD-ROMCompact Disk-Read Only Memory
MSBMost Significant Byte
TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
DMIDesktop Management Interface
NTPNetwork Time Protocol
PINEProgram for Internet News and Email
SSLSecure Sockets Layer
BCRBar Code Reader
SPISerial Peripheral Interface
KBPSKilobits Per Second
TSITime Slot Interchange
ABCAtanasoff-Berry Computer
YBYotta Byte
WDDMWindows Display Driver Model
RDBMSRelation Database Management System
MSIMicrosoft Installer
ISPInternet Service Provider
WAVWaveform Audio
TPSTransaction Per Second
ISVIndependent Software Vendor
SXGASuper Extended Graphics Array
GPGraphics port
BGABall Grid Array
SISSafety Instrumented System
CGICommon Gateway Interface
PDFPortable Document Format
MMUMemory Management Unit
PICPeripheral Interface Controller
NIUNetwork Interface Unit
TPSTransaction Processing System
VLSIVery Large-Scale Integration
ESDElectro Static Discharge
MAPIMessaging Application Program Interface
DSLDomain–Specific Language
NAPNetwork Access Point
MS-DOSMicrosoft Disk Operating System
WMVWindows Media Video
MFAMulti-Factor Authentication
GUIGraphical User Interface
RISRemote Installation Service
ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange
ELFExecutable and Linkable Format
WWANWireless Wide Area Network
DFDData Flow Diagram
IRCInternet Relay Chat
PCPersonal Computer
SDLSoftware and Documentation Localization
WINSWindows Internet Name Service
NOSNetwork Operating System
UNICSUNiplexed Information Computing System
DVRDigital Video Recorder
XMSExtended Memory Specification
LSILarge-Scale Integration
STPShielded Twisted Pair
PCBProcess Control Block
AGAAdvanced Graphics Architecture
HSUPAHigh-Speed Uplink Packet Access
ICSInternet Connection Sharing
SOAService Oriented Architecture
WWWWorld Wide Web
DLLDynamic Link Library
DAPDirect Access Protocol
WMFWindows Metafile
EVDOEvolution Data Optimized Or Evolution Data Only
FATFile Allocation Table
DTEData Terminal Equipment
PALPhase Alternation Line
VGAVideo Graphics Array
HSSIHigh-Speed Serial Interface
SIMMSingle In-Line Memory Module
IPXInternetwork Packet Exchange
BWFBroadcast Wave Format
CRIMMContinuity-Rambus Inline Memory Module
OOPObject Oriented programming
RTOSReal Time Operating System
DBSNDatabase Source Name
IHVIndependent Hardware Vendor
ISRInterrupt Service Routine
SOAPSimple Object Access Protocol
FTPFile Transfer Protocol
DRAMDynamic Random-Access Memory
BSODBlue Screen of Death
HTXHyper Transport Expansion
LSTMLong Short-Term Memory
DIVXDIgital Video Express
UACUser Account Control
CASEComputer-Aided Software Engineering
HDMIHigh Definition Multimedia Interface
VDCVideo Display Controller
AVCAdvanced Video Coding
CGAColor Graphics Array
DPMSDisplay Power Management Signaling
DBADataBase Administrator
MSIMedium Scale Integration
EPPEnhanced Parallel Port
EFSEncrypting File System
WPANWireless Personal Area Network
CANController Area Network
VDUVideo Display Unit
JPGJoint Photographic Expert Group
ENIElastic Network Interface
VPUVisual Processing Unit
MTPMedia Transfer Protocol
MDIMultiple Document Interface
TDRTime Domain Reflectometer
WUXGAWide Ultra Extended Graphics Array
NAPNetwork Access Protection
DWMDesktop Window Manager
ERPEnterprise Resource Planning
PPTPowerPoint Presentation
LSBLeast Significant Byte
CCDCharged Coupled Device
VCRVideo Cassette Recorder
EEPROMElectrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
CRCCyclic Redundancy Check
XGAExtended Graphics Array
LSBLeast Significant Bit
ZISCZero Instruction Set Computer
ISAInstruction Set Architecture
HPCHigh-Performance Computing
MSDNMicrosoft Developer Network
BPIBytes Per Inch
SVGASuper Video Graphics Array
RDFResource Description Framework
MFPMulti-Function Product
FCPGAFlip Chip Pin Grid Array
ASRAutomated System Recovery
VANValue-Added Network
VXLANVirtual Extensible Local Area Network
CTLComputation Tree Logic
DATDigital Audio Tape
SVGScalable Vector Graphics
ECPExtended Capabilities Port
CMOSComplementary Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor
OCROptical Character Reader
JPEGJoint Photographic Experts Group
SONETSynchronous Optical Networking
CCSCommon Command Set
CUPSCommon Unix Printing System
ENIACElectronic Numerical Integrator and Compute
IVRInteractive Voice Response
HTPCHome Theatre Personal Computer
HDHigh Definition
EVCEthernet Virtual Circuit
NMSNetwork Management System
UTPUnshielded Twisted Pair-Cable
FDDIFiber Distributed Data Interface
HANHome Area Network
XMPPExtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol
ISCSIInternet Small Computer Storage Interface
PDPPlasma Display Panel
VOIPVoice Over Internet Protocol
PIOProgrammed Input/Output
RGBRed, Green, Blue
FDMAFrequency-Division Multiple Access
SWFShock Wave Flash
EOFEnd of File
POPPost Office Protocol
CBEMAComputer Business Equipment Manufacturers Association
EDPElectronic Data Processing
DIMMDual In-Line Memory Module
VMVirtual Memory
SHDSLSingle-pair High-speed Digital Subscriber Line
WEPWired Equivalent Privacy
MBCSMulti Byte Character Set
IPV4Internet Protocol Version 4
MCRMultivariant Curve Resolution
MTAMail Transfer Agent
BOSSBharat Operating System Solutions
ISCInternet Storm Center
POSTPower on self-test
DTRData Terminal Ready
SMBIOSSystem Management BIOS
HPFSHigh Performance File System
SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol
IISInternet Information Services
VPGVirtual Private Gateway
CUACommon User Access
NIDNetwork Interface Device
HDDHard Disk Drive
IMAPInternet Message Access Protocol
VLCVideo LAN Client
ERDEmergency Repair Disk
WPAWireless Protected Access
IOSInternetwork Operating System
PKIPublic key Infrastructure
UDPUser Datagram Protocol
ISAIndustry Standard Architecture
TPDUTransaction Protocol Data Unit
M3GMobile 3D Graphics
DTPDesktop Publishing
PCIPeripheral Component Interconnect
CAEComputer–Aided Engineering
NTFSNew Technology File System
FDDFloppy Disk Drive
IPPInternet Printing Protocol
VLANVirtual Local Area Network

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